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Welcome to The Fast and Slow of AADs: 

EP Pharmacology and Action Potentials


This two-part Nuts & Bolts course bundle is designed for Allied Health Professionals and individuals interested in building an intermediate knowledge of Cardiac Action Potentials and EP Pharmacology.

Follow along with interactive learning tools and provided study guides as you explore topics such as the phases of cardiac action potentials, ion channel interaction, Vaughn-Williams antiarrhythmic drug classification, and the effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on the cardiac conduction system. 


  1. Action Potentials
  2. Pharma: EP


1. Download the study guide associated with each tutorial to guide you through the learning module. 

2. Complete the learning modules assigned for this course.

3. Save your study guide for future reference or share with your coach; go to the CONTRIBUTE Menu to upload your file *set to Only Me.* Click here for upload instructions.

CEUs: 3.0 hours

*The Fast and Slow of AADs: EP Pharmacology and Action Potentials


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