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Welcome to Device Clinic Case Studies for the APP! 

This four-part course will provide you a variety of Device Case studies that will push your critical thinking skills. Each case study will guide you through the decision-making journey to determine the considerations for each device-related scenario.


  1. Anticipate device response to CIED programming. 
  2. Evaluate the case presentation to determine the necessary steps for troubleshooting. 
  3. Determine the success markers of appropriate patient follow-up and device programming. 
  4. Reflect on critical steps in the follow-up process to determine the root of device-related issues and patient symptoms. 


  1. Download the study guide associated with each tutorial to guide you through the learning module. 
  2. Complete the learning modules assigned for this course. 
  3. Save your study guide for future reference or share with your coach, go to the CONTRIBUTE Menu to upload your file *set to Only Me.* Click here for upload instructions.

NOTE: This assignment must be completed before accessing the next course.

CEUs: 4.0

12-month access

Option to renew for $147 per year


APP Device Clinic Case Studies


    Simulator Add-On

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