Welcome to Device Technology: From Coil to Can
This four-part Nuts & Bolts course bundle is designed for Allied Health Professionals and individuals interested in advancing their foundational knowledge in cardiac device technology.
Can you differentiate the several types of cardiac devices? Are you up to speed with pacing system components? Do you know why there are various pacing electrodes and lead technologies? Can you recommend programming settings based on cycles, modes, and NBG codes?
- Types of Devices
- Pacing System Components
- Pacing Electrodes & Lead Technologies
- Cycles, Modes & NBG Codes
1. Download the study guide associated with each tutorial to guide you through the learning module.
2. Complete the learning modules assigned for this course.
3. Save your study guide for future reference or share with your coach. Go to the CONTRIBUTE Menu to upload your file *set to Only Me.* Click here for upload instructions.
CEUs: 4.0 hours
*Cardiac Device Technology: From Coil to Can